Tuesday 31 August 2021


                                 GALILEO GALILEI  

 Galileo Galilei was born on 15th of February 1564 in Pisa Italy. 

  his parents was Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia de Cosmo amanitin. 

  He was an Italian astronomer, physicist and Engineer. Galileo has been called the "father of observational astronomy ",  the "father of modern physics ", the "father of scientific method " and the "father of  modern science "

He was died on 8th January, 1642 in Arcetri,  Italy 


                             HORTON PLAINS 


Horton plains in Sri Lanka is the coldest & windiest location in the country.  It is located in the Central Province, Sri Lanka.  That was designated in 1988. Ohiya And Nuwara Eliya are the nearest cities to the Horton Plains.  Horton Plains Is Famous Among Nature lovers to observe Montane birds.  Black Winged Kite, Paddyfield Pipit, Brown Shrike, Sri Lanka Wood Pigeon and Sri Lanka Jungle Fowl are some of them.  Narrow Banded Blue Bottle, Red Helen, Sri Lankan Tiger, Red Admiral and Blue Admiral are some endemic, common butterflies of Horton Plains.   Not only Birds and Butterflies, Mammals also can be seen there. Some of them are Brown Mongoose, Barking Deer, Sri Lanka Giant Squirrel And Sāmbhar.


 Hii everyone,

  welcome to my new blog ! 
  I am Thiseni Weerasinghe. 




 ARCTIC FOX  The Arctic fox is also known as Polar fox, White fox or snow fox. Arctic foxes are good swimmers. They are well adapted to livi...