Wednesday 1 December 2021



The Arctic fox is also known as Polar fox, White fox or snow fox. Arctic foxes are good swimmers. They are well adapted to living in cold environments.

        these are small foxes native to the arctic regions of the nothern hemisphere and common throughout the arctic tundra biome. their thick and warm fur tare used as camouflage.

There are several thousand arctic foxes left in the wild. 

Arctic fox has a round body shape, short nose, and legs and short, fluffy ears. This fox is about 10 - 12 inches high and weighs from 6.5 - 21 pounds.

  Arctic foxes are brown in summer and white in winter. female fox is smaller than male fox.

The arctic fox has very good ears so they can hear small animals under the snow. 
    Arctic foxes are omnivores. 

 Artic foxes do not hibernate (That means they do not sleep in the winter time - most warm blooded animals are sleeping in winter when food is short )

they have a keen sense of smell. 

 This fox can live in cold north even when it is -30F.

Female fox can produce 5 - 8 cubs, and sometimes as many as 25 cubs.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

History Of The Book "Heidi"


History Of The book "Heidi"

  The Book "HEIDI" was written by "Johanna Spyri" in 1880. She was a Swiss Author.           
 Johanna Spyri was born on 12th June 1827.
That was written more than hundred years ago. First, The book "Heidi" was written in German.
 After some years "Heidi" was translated in many languages. Heidi's  parents were dead when she was only 1 year old. 
Her aunty was looking at her 5 years and brought Heidi to her Grandfather's home who lives in the "ALM". 
Heidi loved that place ! Especially the fir trees situated behind the house. 

Johanna Spyri was a swiss girl too. her father was the village doctor. 

And She loved that place like Heidi. The book Heidi was written when Johanna Spyri was 53 years old. 

"Cornelli, Moni the goat boy & other stories, A story of the swiss valleys, The rose child" are some other books written by Johanna Spyri.


Sunday 26 September 2021



   John Dewey was born on 20th October, 1859, In Burlington, Vermont, United States. 

he was one of four boys born to Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemisia Rich Dewey.   

He was an American Philosopher, Psychologist and an Educator.

John Dewey was an Educational reformer Whose ideas have been influential in Education and Social Reform. 
John Dewey was one of the most prominent American Scholars in the first half of the Twentieth century.

He studied in Johns Hopkins University, 1884 and in University Of Vermont, 1879.

Experience And Education (1938) , How we think (1910) , The school and Society (1899) , Democracy And Education (1916) Are some of his books.

   He is considered as the Father of Educational Philosophy. 

John Dewey was died on first June, 1952. In New York, United States. 

Tuesday 7 September 2021




One day the sun and the wind were arguing about which was the stronger. They could not agree about it. 

At that very moment, they saw a man walking along the road on the earth down below. They made up their minds that each would try to make him stop walking. 

The wind tried first. 
It blew loud and strong, But the man simply pulled his coat close to him, Drew on his hat and walked on. Louder and stronger blew the wind, But still the man did not stop. Then the wind drew in its breath For one last, Mighty blow.

 But the man simply tightened his belt,  grasped his coat firmly and then, with his head bent forward, he forced his way along.

Then came the sun's turn. First it removed the dull clouds that the storm had caused. Then it smiled down on the earth below and the land felt the Gentle heat. Then the sun smiled more and more, and it shone more brightly than ever.

 Soon the man had to take his coat, and then his hat. Then he began to wave His hat to and  fro like a fan. the sun smiled more broadly than ever and in the end, the man had to stop and take shelter under a big, leafy tree.

 It was a proud sun and that set that night. for the great and strong wind had to admit that the sun had beaten him   


Monday 6 September 2021


                                   THE HONEST MAN 


A king, who once ruled in a far - away Land, was very worried, his trusted old servant has died, and a new watchman was needed to guard the Royal Treasure. "I must be careful, " he said to himself. "I must not choose a thief, Because he would rob me. I wonder how I can find an honest man for the job ? " He sent for his chief lord, Who was very wise and clever "My Friend," Said the king. "I need a Watchman to guard the Royal treasure. I want you to find the most honest man in my kingdom"  

"That will be very difficult," replied the chief lord. "I will come back tomorrow and tell you what to do,"
Next day the chief lord returned to the palace. "here is my plan," He said to the king. "Prepare a feast and invite to it everyone who would like to be your watchman."  
The king prepared a great feast and invited all those who wished to guard his treasure. As each man arrived at the palace, He was told how to reach the feasting hall. On the way he had to walk alone through a long passage. On each side of the passage were large sacks which were full of gold and silver coins. 

When the feast was over, the chief lord spoke to the men. "I hope you have enjoyed the food. The king now wishes you to dance. " Strange to say, Nobody moved. They all began to make excuses .  .  .  . . 
All except one man. This man came forward and danced a jig up and down the hall. 

"That is the honest man," Said the chief lord to the king" "All the others have taken some Gold and and silver from the sacks. They are afraid to dance because the coins would jingle and fall out of their pockets. That man did not touch the money and so he is not afraid to dance. "

The king was very pleased. He rewarded the chief lord for his cleverness, and the honest man was made watchman over the treasure.  

Thursday 2 September 2021


                                  ANANSI IN TRINIDAD 

Anansi, the clever spider, left a letter for his mother and father. In It He Said that he was going to go to America and he would write to them from there. he did not go to America for he crept aboard the wrong jet and was unloaded at Trinidad along with a basket of yams in which he was sleeping. The yams were taken off the jet and put on the bus to san Fernando. They were delivered to Jean Khan at St. Joseph's village. 

    Robin Or Anansi as he now called Himself made his home in the basement of Jean Khan's house and was soon causing very strange things to happen. Each night when the maid went out to collect the dry washing she would find something missing or she might find something on the drying line which didn't belong to them but belonged to Mrs. Smith next door. 

Anansi would sometimes take a handkerchief down down the hill to the market and would sell it to one of his friends for food, saying that he had just bought it. Then he would tell the policeman that Mrs. cat or Mr. rat or Miss Blackbird Had a handkerchief belonging to Jean Khan. He would watch from the top of the tree. How he would laugh when the Police came to take away Mrs. cat, Mr. rat or Miss Blackbird  and return the Hanky. 

Soon his tricks got him into great trouble with all the other animals and he had to leave San Fernando. 

Wednesday 1 September 2021


                                     PLEASING EVERYBODY   

Once a man and his son were going to town. They wanted to sell their donkey at a market. They walked and drove the animal in front of them. 

On the way a young man spoke them "How foolish you are ! " he said. "The donkey is strong and will carry the boy "
Soon afterwards, they met a young woman "You lazy boy ! " she cried. "Let your poor father ride on the donkey ! " 
sometimes later, an old man spoke to the father. "You are a very selfish man" he called "there is room on the donkey for the boy! " 
Next they met an old women. "How cruel you are ! " she shouted. "you should both be carrying the poor donkey ! "
The donkey was very heavy to carry. "how stupid they are !"  cried everyone. 
" why don't they let the donkey walk ? "


Who were going to town ?
why were they going to the market ?
what did they do in the end ?


 ARCTIC FOX  The Arctic fox is also known as Polar fox, White fox or snow fox. Arctic foxes are good swimmers. They are well adapted to livi...